Dell PC TuneUP 2.0 is a trial software preinstalled on some Dell computers to help them with their system maintenance tasks. it includes key features like Windows start-up programs filtering, registry repair and Hard Drive defrag optimization, to keep the computer working as first day you started it.
Though most of the features mentioned above are already present on Windows, PC TuneUP 2 offers over 20 windows tweaks and provides important value added utilities to aide you on your maintenance tasks.
Some of these utilities include Secure Delete, a feature that allows you to permanently remove sensitive files from the hard disk drive; Uninstall plus, which assists in the un-installation process; and File Undelete to safely recover previously deleted files, which I found useful for the average PC user.
However serious system administrators or computers enthusiasts will find it simple and with lack of options, mostly because this product wasnt targeted and designed for them. Also some Windows Vista users will want to uninstall it, ironically due to performance issues while performing some tasks that using Vista similar tools do not take that much time.
Bottom line is that Dell PC TuneUp 2 improves what the first version offered, it does a decent job for the market it targets and it is available in an affordable cost.